Hard work | Smart work, Employee | Entrepreneur – Which one is best and worth

“Success makes you work a little but failure makes you to work more”

Hard working and Smart working plays a vital role in every one’s life. Which means, most of the time we work hard and get success but some times we work smarter, it’s usual but in this world, only some people have become entrepreneurs, most of us are searching for jobs (as employee) and some of us are jobless.

In this article, we are going to see the difference between hard work, smart work and entrepreneur, employee in Hash Info #hardwork, #smartwork, #entrepreneur, #employee.

Most of us think that there is no relation between hard work, smart work, entrepreneur and employee but there is some, maybe even more relationship between all these. Yes, in this world person who work hard or work smart may become an entrepreneur or employee or nothing. Among us, only some people are becoming an entrepreneur have you thought why it happens? Why more people are employee, not an entrepreneur? Work is a way to reach something then what is the difference between hard and smart work?

Let we see deeply in this article….

Hard work takes a great deal of effort and Smart work takes a less deal of effort. For reaching a goal or doing any job, if the person puts lot of effort, lot of work, wastes a lot of time etc., that is hard work but the advantage in hard work is that we get a lot of experience, we may become bold and get will power to face next goal so, work hard to get better experience. At same time, for reaching a goal or doing any job if the man puts less effort, utilizes less time, works less and etc., that is smart work but the disadvantage in smart work is that we won’t get more experience.

Entrepreneur is a person who sets a business and faces both profit and loss, an Employee is a person who search for job and works under some one. The man who starts his own business, invests more amount for his business, the man who provides job for many employee is Entrepreneur, same time entrepreneur is a person who has to face both profit and loss because in business, there is no assurance that we always get profit.The man who works under some one and  gets salary from others, in his life there is no profit or loss in work, normally they face their normal life struggles alone.

In this world approximately 98% people are working, from that approximately 90% of people are working hard as employee but approximately 8% of people only work smarter as entrepreneurs. The people who are entrepreneurs, some work hard to reach their goal and some work smarter, at the same time the employees also work hard or smart to reach their goal. There is no standard survey that says that only 8% alone become an entrepreneur, which means if people work in a standard decision, every body can become an entrepreneur but it never happens in our world because only few people have a bold mind to face the failures but most of us don’t have much boldness to face failures, so only some people become entrepreneurs and many of us become  employees.

Body is the source of hard work; Brain is the source of smart work.

Let us see a short story for this topic

In a city, a multinational company was running in a 110 floors building, in that company they announce a job vacancy. That announcement was posted on many sites, newspapers etc. From the same city, two graduates had the same grade, quality, amount of knowledge etc. but the difference between them was that, one man worked smart and the other man worked hard. After some days, the interview was held in that company’s 110th floor, there were two options provided for reaching that floor, one option was using steps, another one was using lift and here was the problem that if they need to use lift they had to go  4 floors under the ground  otherwise they can use the steps. The man who works hard thought to use steps but the smart working man was ready to use the lift.  Think seriously, one was going to use steps and another one was going to use lift, at this scenario what you would do? And whose idea was the best? If you ask this to me, I accept the idea of the man who was going to use lift. Because the man who was going to use steps had to cross 109 floors by climbing stairs, it is a waste of time and waste of energy but the good thing in this idea is that if the lift was not working, his idea is better. Same time, the man who was going to use the lift had to just cross 3 floors down and could use the lift and reach 110th floor easily, within time and without any loss of energy but if the lift was not working, he won’t reach that floor as soon as the first man would. So, from this story we can understand that both the hard work and smart work has its own advantage and disadvantage.

Just like this, let us see another story.

In one area two boys were studying in the same college. One boy worked hard to become an entrepreneur and another one worked smarter to get job in a multinational company. In this, both are college students, one working smart and another one working hard but the goal of both were different, which means, one’s goal was to become an entrepreneur and another one’s goal was a job because the man who was trying to become an entrepreneur was ready to invest amount, ready to face profit and loss, but the man who tried for a job in MNC company was not ready to invest amount, later they reached their goals with their effort. From this we can understand that Hard work, Smart work, Entrepreneur and Employee are related to each other.
One simple information about entrepreneur is that they invest 1 rupee at the first day and second day he doubles it and so on… some time it may give a big loss also, but the employee gets particular amount of salary in a month and the amount may or may not get incremented. The entrepreneur gets profit amount in some other business that he owns, but the employee is not like that.

Finally, comparing all the four, no one is lesser than or greater than the other, they four are the same. Therefore, Smart work is best for saving time, Hard work is best for getting experience, Entrepreneurship is best for a life with adventure, being an Employee is best for a normal life.

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